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From Naked Mole Rat to Smooth Operator: My Nair Adventure

From Naked Mole Rat to Smooth Operator: My Nair Adventure

June 26, 2023
Soooooo I used Nair today for the first time in almost 2 decades. That’s right. I haven’t used nair since I was in middle school and I am currently a 30 year old woman. Side note I have been struggling to find my sexy lately and part of the issue is that I haven’t been able to schedule wax. I have shaved with a razor and don’t enjoy it. So because I was over shaving I just kind of neglected my hair removal process. Living a straight 70s lifestyle. Anyway, yesterday I woke up and said enough is enough. I went to the store and I bought myself to Nair. I had been avoiding using Nair because all I could remember was the last time I used it and how mortifying the experience was.

When I finally gave in I was fully expecting the gut wrenching hair smell that permeated my nose back in the early 2000s. That is not what I was met with. Quick back story. The first time I used Nair I was between 11 to 13 years old. I faintly remember people making jokes about me being hairy. So I found some Nair under the bathroom sink at my sister’s house and proceeded to correct my hairiness. What I wasn’t informed of was that Nair had a terrible smell and that smell would follow me. I woke up that morning before summer camp and applied Nair to everything…. Everything except my nether regions because I mean no one was going to see that. Instead though I applied Nair to my underarms, legs, and my actual arms. Yes, I used Nair on my arms. I looked like a naked mole rat! lol. When I came downstairs to head to camp that morning, all I kept hearing my sister and her husband say was what’s that smell. Over and over they repeated what is that smell. And I was so embarrassed. It wasn’t until I get into the car with my brother in law that I finally admitted to using Nair. The laugh that came from him was unsettling. And was worse was not just that he laughed at me for using Nair, he then called my sister and told her, and she laughed. Their laughing intensified when they discovered I used Nair on my arms. I was humiliated. I went to camp that day smelling like I had rolled in a chemical plant and then painted my body in it as well as used it for a body wash. It was terrible. Well now over 2 decades later, the smell that came from the Nair bottle is nothing like it use to smell like. It was almost pleasant. This time around, I used the Nair at night, and took a double shower afterward. While some hair remained on my legs, (stubborn little leg hairs), I felt refreshed. It was the first step to starting to reclaim my sexy back. I will say the plan is for Nair to only be used in case of emergencies. It is time to get back to my monthly waxes.

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